As recently github announced some very useful feature, automatic workflow execution which can simplify project life cycle and forever running CI/CD. That you can achieve with running action in project building process.

If you’d like to read more about actions, please read from here github-action.

Following example I’ve provided simple npm project workflow execution, such as npm install and npm audit. If any vulnerabilities found, it will update the dependencies (packages) and create pull request for merging to master branch and assign to some people.

name: Example action flow 
# name of the action

# trigger that workflow can start
    types: [opened, reopened]
    - master

# job execution
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v1 
      - name: install dependencies
        run: npm install
      - name: audit fix
        run : npm audit fix
      - name: run test
        run: npm test 
      - name: Create PR for merging to master
        uses:  peter-evans/create-pull-request@v2
            token: $
            commit-message: this is auto generated PR by action
            title: Auto generated PR
            body: This is an auto-generated PR, please review it.
            branch: master
            branch-suffix: none
            reviewers: azaa13

Action or workflow explanation:

File type (workflow) or extension: .yaml, .yml in .github/workflows folder
File location: .github/workflows folder

Writing flow is not so complicated, as you’ve seen, name, jobs, steps need to be defined and it should have proper indentation.

We can have different type of triggers (on:), such as push branch, open PR, even defined paths. Please read more from here config-workflow.

For jobs:, first we need to explicitly describe on which environment workflow can run. For that runs-on: ubuntu-latest this part says it’ll run on ubuntu latest version. Ubuntu specific version can be described as well such as ubuntu-16.04.

After having env to run, need to prepare our repo to fetch source files, such as package.json or lock files. For that - uses: actions/checkout@v1 this part simply organizing repo related all execution such as fetch/clone, checkout branch. Note that here exec keyword is -uses: which means we’re using this repo or packages to operate the execution.

Then we can run npm commands and after that any updates/changes found, we should create PR and someone should do review. For that uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v2 this part is used, simply it’s using repo or package to create PR, and we have to provide GITHUB_TOKEN and some entries if you’d like such as title, body, branch, reviewers etc.,

I’m providing some useful repos to look up similar cases below.