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How to add specific definition for the prop table using storybook addon-docs?
We’re using storybook for checking out the independent components behavior, representation, also to use auto generating documentation.
Why need to revoke object url after creating obj URL Blob or other objects?
As we use File, Blob other other media related objects to display them in web page. Generally
is used to fulfill this task. Indeed this is very useful as it generated DOMstring containing a url to represent object. -
Vuejs+Typescript: What is a tsconfig.json file under /src?
If you using VueJs with Typescript, must have wondered
file under root dir of the project. Well, that is a configuration file for transpiling and compiling Typescript files. -
Competitive coding: Permutation generating using recursive function
Competitive coding from Leetcode
Why we should catch errors thrown by fetch API?
Fetching API is a backbone of every application that communicates with other server/app to gather data and represent in their own. But number of failure including network error or any sudden change may cause some issue where fetch not able to run properly.
Write a unit test for native `timer` function using jest
Why HTML video element's event listening really matters?
As a FE developer, we have often times have to work with native HTML DOM elements, and manipulate or set its values to our desired one. All the page related component’s elements are absolutely using native HTML DOM elems after it is parsed and read as Javascript. However, different types of FE frameworks are available in current development environment and it is already included all the HTML elems into their own UI components with their pretty CSS config. Due to that, sometimes it is not necessary to work on native HTML elements.
How to write better unit testing using jest and vue-test-utils?
Writing a unit test is vital process of any software or application development. Without unit testing it is way difficult to assure that given function or method is working as expected or not. Instead, writing a test and its failure makes us to debug and lead some improvements of the function or method.
How to upgrade vue-cli v3 to vue-cli v4
We agree that vue-cli standard tooling package for VueJs project is super useful, as it reduces complicated configuration of vue project setting. Lately, in Dec, 2019 their version 4.1.2 is released that has some really good updates which can be used in our project effectively.
Write a unit test using jest in Vue/Typescript project
Writing a unit test is really required to insure functions expected operation. During this task some unnoticed bugs can be found, so we can fix it before even deploying. Depend on the project framework, we can use any kind of unit testing tools. There are many popular as well strong testing tools are available and it is used in most of the frameworks such as VueJs, Angular, React etc.
What's new for latest storybook version, what features have been added in later of `storybook@^5.2.0`
Last post I’ve shared was about a feature of storybook which generates auto documentation for the components, this have been reflected later version of the storybook@5.2.0. (last-post)
Let's add some documentation to stories using @storybook-addon-docs
What is storybook?
Using environment variables (env) in VueJS project with `vue-cli-3`
Environment variable is super useful variable that can be used in project level usage, means in any file this variables can be called and used. Such as API secret key, base url are used global (project) level in most of the project, so it can be used as env var. Additionally, it is advised to use some confidential value including API secret key should be kept as
local env
var. -
Analyzing memory consumption of the web application using Firefox developer tool
We are aware of that when application’s page is loaded in the browser, it consumes some memory about ~mbs. However we are not sure how much capacity’s are used and exactly what part of the function is loaded (more). In order to analyze and investigate, we can use browser’s developer tool.
End-to-End testing framework NightWatchJs: installation and config step by step
Let’s dive more into NightWatchJs end-to-end testing tool by installing it first and set config.
End-to-End testing with NightWatchJs
At any point, we as a FE developers have to test web application’s smooth flow by applying either end-to-end test or any type of functional or integrated testing. Since I am using NightwatchJs to do e2e testing, ‘d like to share some insights and example snippet code of simple and straightforward test cases.
Simple github action workflow of npm execution (basic workflow)
As recently
announced some very useful feature, automatic workflow execution which can simplify project life cycle and forever running CI/CD. That you can achieve with runningaction
in project building process. -
Competitive programming: Task 1 - Easy (хялбар)түвшин
Сайн байцгаана уу уншигчдаа! ByteAcad coding энэ удаа competitive programming сурж байгаа болон бичиж байгаа хүмүүст зориулж кодинг даалгавар сонгон авч түүнийг хэрхэн бодож бүтэн оноо авах талаар бичихээр боллоо. Манай бичвэр доорх хэсгүүдээс бүрдсэн байна.
- Даалгавар буюу бодлого уншиж ойлгох хэсэг
- Бодлогоо хэрхэн бодох тухай энгийн алгоритм зохиох хэсэг
- Бодолтын хэсэг буюу алгоритмээ код болгон бичих Бодлогоо Hackerrank-аас сонгон авсан бөгөөд хэрвээ өөрөө бодох сонирхолтой байгаа бол энд линкийг нь оруулая. Task 1: Designer PDF viewer - Хялбар (easy) түвшний бодлого