
Native timers are widely used and its use cases are wide. Such as for updating particular page every x seconds, or every x interval refresh the page etcs.

setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval are timer function, it uses real time to perform given task. However, in testing environment it is bit different as it relies on real time to elapse. Luckily, jest provides fakeTimers which can be used during testing phase.

Below I will provide sample code which uses jest fake timers to run the function and passes test case.

Sample code

// draw.js
    setInterval(this.draw, 100) // call draw() 10 times per a sec

    // draw something

Sample test code

// draw.spec.js
import Draw from "./draw.js"
describe("updateDraw()", ()=>{
it("call draw() 10 times per a sec",()=>{
    // here is mock timer function has been used
    d = updateDraw()
    expect(setInterval).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(expect.any(Function), 100);

Explanation of sample test code

We’ve used fakeTimers() function to behave as native timer function from jest. Using this it is quite straightforward, after all we just need to assert whether setInterval function have been called only once.

For more info, encouraging you to visit and try more tests using it.