Environment variable is super useful variable that can be used in project level usage, means in any file this variables can be called and used. Such as API secret key, base url are used global (project) level in most of the project, so it can be used as env var. Additionally, it is advised to use some confidential value including API secret key should be kept as local env var.

As security purpose, .env local files are ignored by .gitignore by default.

If the project is configured by webpack or vue-cli-3, .env file need to be created for using env var and its process is pretty straightforward.

I’m providing steps to to use env var in your Vuejs project.


1. In project root folder (means same place package.json is stored) create .env file.

If you want to use env for development phase, it’ll be useful to create .env.development also for production phase .env.production. Such distinguishes are helpful if env var are varied depend on production and dev mode.

To create file, run following command.

touch .env


If project has different type of .env file, the priority to loading file differs. Let’s say .env and .env.development both file exist in the project root folder. But only .env file is stored env var (explicitly assign values to the env variables). When running npm run serve (by default runs as development mode) command, env var not loaded correctly. Because, .env.development file has higher priority to load when npm run serve run as it specifies development mode. So in this case, please use env.development.

Similarly, when npm run serve --mode production is specified .env.development loads.

2. No need to install dotenv if using vue-cli-3 or above. It is already included, so directly create file and assign values to the var.

3. Put env var into .env file.

Environment value is nothing but key and value pair. Again, if you using vue-cli-3, there is naming convention need to be followed.

All env var starts with VUE_APP_your_env_var. For example, if I want to store API key then var name can be VUE_APP_API_KEY = 0000.

In order to assign value, it is normal key=value assign.

If webpack configured, no need to include VUE_APP_ as env var name. It can be directly API_KEY= 0000.

Note:: Key, value pair is not JSON styled as such key:value. So be aware of it.

4. Use env var in the project

As mentioned earlier, env var can be used anywhere in the project. Can be used directly writing as process.env.VUE_APP_your_env_var. For example, above I have created api key env var, so I can use it as process.env.VUE_APP_API_KEY in any file of the project.

Note:: After updating .env file, please restart the running server. In the terminal, press Ctrl-C and again run npm run serve.

If want to read more details, please go to the official-site.